Heaven in a Glass
Originally uploaded by bridgeportseasoning.
The Good: The beer dinner I attended last night at Sheffield's was surprisingly good from the food perspective. The beer was all selections from Unibroue, which I'm on record as saying is the best brewery in North America. But it was the food that shocked me. I know that at these dinners what an establishment serves isn't normally a reflection of their regular menu, but it is a reflection on the kitchen. By that token, Rick Hess has a good thing going. Their decision to warm the final beer, a 2002 Quelque Chose cherry ale, like a wassail was a great way to stave off the bad.
The Bad: I braved the cold in order to attend. Not a completely bad thing, mind you. After all, we do live in a city that sometimes suffers through some severe winters. But at one point I sincerely wanted to stay on the couch.
The Ugly: 38 years old and I don't know how to work a waterpik. At one point the stream hit my eye.
You would laugh at another man's misfortune. And I was using a mixture of mouthwash and water.
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