Friday night I checked in with ChEfrain Cuevas at his latest underground dinner, this one in the breakroom of a grocery store on the North Side. It was originally supposed to be on the roof, but the possibility of bad weather forced it inside. I thought it worked out better this way because it gave diners the feeling of actually doing something illicit.
I was lucky to get my hands on one of the drumsticks from the turducken that was served as part of the main course. Andrew Huff of Gapers Block also snagged one. However, while Huff removed the meat from the bone with a knife and fork, I tore into the drumstick like a Viking. Or Henry V.
It was a good night, on many fronts.
In my defense, I was sharing my leg with three other people -- portioning it out with my teeth would have been rude. :)
Oh, God. Remind me to tell you what happened after you left the next time I see you.
I have the kavorka, Huff.
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