Thursday, July 22, 2004

Thursday Boredom

First things first:
Reading: The First Stone: A Memoir of the Racial Integration of Levittown, Pennsylvania by Lewis Wechsler.  This was a birthday gift that I'm finally picking up.  
The Jukebox:  Limelight original score by Charles Chaplin.  Chaplin truly was the first genius of cinema.  If you can pick up both volumes of The Chaplin Collection on DVD.  They're loaded with hours of bonus material, deleted scenes, and documentary footage with a who's who of modern film.  Fabulous.
I'm sitting in my home office sweating like a piece of saltwater taffy and finding new and creative uses for killing time and came across this through something called The Optimistic Diva.  Jesus fucking Christ on a stick!!  I might be off base here, but the way I read her site it seems as though she's a 27 year-old dating coach who can't find a man with a desperate, obsessive need to be engaged by the end of the year.  I feel the need to fire off an e-mail and question her motives. 
I don't understand women- in particular supposedly successful women like this one-  who feel that their lives are incomplete without a significant other.  I've met women like that.  I've worked with women like that.  I've dated women like that.  I don't find it attractive and I don't tolerate it.  It makes me seem like an asshole, but I'm happy and single while they're in their early thirties calculating to the second how long they have to marry and procreate.
Certainly, first dates are really informal interviews, but they shouldn't have to feel like one.  On top of that, this Blaire is reinforcing the Jewish Princess stereotype.  "Must be Jewish... honest, romantic, sensitive, good-looking.  Must take care of himself.  Motivated and a go-getter (a play on the term 'financially and emotionally secure.')"  My friend Anne described it years ago as "an MS searching for an MRS."  This woman is not going to find true happiness in this manner.
Bottom line: if you're lonely, get a cat.

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