Be Thankful For...

- Chicken fresh off the grill, sliced thin for club sandwiches, and seasoned with West Town Tavern's proprietary barbecue rub
- Checks for invoices that come in when you absolutely need them
- Running unexpectedly into friends at the most unlikely of places, shopping for ties while you look for a KitchenAid mixer
- A dog that never begs too much for table scraps
- Fresh tomatoes and basil
- Football season
- A mother who understands, even when you know she's lying
- The seventeen-ounce margaritas at this place Sue and I found the other night on Blue Island after grocery shopping
- Bridgeport Coffee House's "Stockyard Blend"
- Starting to get the hang of pitching story idea to editors
- Running into friends on Myspace you never thought you'd see again
- The free contraband delicacy at a restaurant I'll be reviewing on Chicagoist later this month
- Homemade grilled sweet corn and mango salsa
- Chilaquiles al Gualjilo.
- Stupid lists. I'd never get anything done without them.
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