Originally uploaded by bridgeportseasoning.
Sometimes when you have nothing to say it's better to just stay away until you do. Advice I'm taking to heart these days.
Sometimes when you have nothing to say it's better to just stay away until you do. Advice I'm taking to heart these days.
There really are none. However, if you like the photos I've been posting here lately you can find more of them here.
Now go out and enjoy the weekend. I am.
I was browsing photographs at Chicagoist Prime's website yesterday. She's been taking a lot of black-and-white shots lately and attributes it to an article on creativity she read. Since I planned on running some personal errands today and would not post to Chicagoist I sent an e-mail to her that I agree with that assessment. I know that for me taking shots in black-and-white has done wonders for developning my eye when I'm taking pictures - I look at something and wonder what it would look like with no color. It's as though by removing the color from a picture you're actually breathing life into it.
Sounds extremely obsequious, I know. But there's something to that. Take a look at the shot above this post, for example. It's a red sign with a few blown lights on Archer. I removed the color and gained a completely different perspective.
Nowadays I'm experimenting with the sepia levels in my Photosuite software to mixed results. I'm also thinking of buying tinted monochrome lenses for the rangefinder to tinker with the contrast when I shoot film. I would not have done this if I hadn't learned to shoot black-and-white.
Have a wonderful weekend, folks.
I found this old RC Cola ad in between monsoons yesterday (I think I drowned my iPod in the process). Take a look at how intact it is. This has to be thirty years old; judging from the stars-and-stripes decoration on the "r" this was probably a bicentennial ad. The corner grocery where I found this was like a veritable shrine to the 60's and 70's; I almost expected to find a bottle redemption program inside. I'll be posting more photos from that on Flickr in the coming days.
In the meantime, did you know that we've seen an increase in wetlands over the past ten years? Yup. All the Department of the Interior did was count golf course water hazards as such. This is your "outrage at the Republican Party" moment of the day.I'm soaked to the bone after taking snapshots all afternoon, but this hot was worth all the rain and cold. My only regret here is that it wasn't dusk when I snapped this.
Look for a new "South Side Cheap Eats" review on Chicagoist in the morning after ten a.m.
Regarding your review of Opera today: LOve ya, sweetheart, and I know the meal wa free. But you and I have wildly differing opinions on "north side" and "cheap eats."
This mural gracing the youth center on 32nd Street deals with the theme of inclusion; that we should be celebrating ou similarities and not belittling our differences.
This must be what the guidos "Farnese" over at B News meant when they mentioned my "(perceived) exoticism (of the neighborhood)" a couple weeks back.
So I don't watch "The Apprentice" but I found this series of commercials to be very interesting, in only that Chevy and NBC don't seem to get that the quickie ads are intended to be critical. Enjoy them while they stay up.