The Hill
Originally uploaded by bridgeportseasoning.
As I said in the notes to this photo on flickr, the city has started spraying this green fuzz on the hill. I assume it's supposed to be sod, but after closer investigation it sure doesn't look like it. It looks like green insulation or, well, fuzz.
Today was spent on the kitchen floor (it hadn't been mopped in months and wound up needing serious scrubbing) and weeding out the backyard to plant these vegetable planters I purchased the other day. I'm also going to buy some herbs and other bulbs, and make a mulch pile for fertilizing. Although, after looking at the planters a couple hours after finishing in the backyard, the alley cats might beat me to it. I'm heading to Custom House in a bit for an evening of meat and beer, then I fire up the grill tomorrow for my more traditional take on steak.
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