Saturday, February 02, 2008

From Winchell's Donut House to the Brown Derby... a Good Start

AT&T Building in a Fog in B&W
Originally uploaded by bridgeportseasoning.

It seems like change is in the air all around. In addition to my date on the Ice Planet Hoth the other night (my first one in years, literally, and with someone mentioned near the end of this blog entry), I finally made my choices for the new food and drink writers at Chicagoist, just as Oppenploppen tendered her resignation. They're gonna be on a fast learning curve, and I'm excited for the new blood to come aboard on all the beats. But it'll be nice to distribute the load more evenly on food and drink. I've gotten back into the swing of things with restaurant reviews, and I like the curiosity factor of the new writers. Now if I can just come up with something witty to update my editor profile, you know, since HotHouse is closed and all.

I've got a deadline for the Sun-Times on Monday, and if the subjects I chose for the article turn out the way I hope, it's gonna be an amazing piece. I've long been curious about how the Great Migration of blacks from the deep south to the industrial Midwest affected not only the overall culture of cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland, but local food culture specifically. I've got feelers into owners of a few soul food restaurants for interview, and placed a call into an old friend or two for some quotes. If all goes well I should be able to let their words to the work.

Heading to the Soul Queen now.

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